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Solve Your Anger Problem with Destruction Therapy!

Stop Stress with Destructo-therapy – Amazing Anger Management Solution

One way to get some serious anger management therapy is to try destruction therapy, also known as “DESTRUCTO-THERAPY.”

Rage rooms, also known as a smash rooms or anger rooms, is a business model where people can go to vent their rage by destroying objects within a room for a fee.

Rage rooms may consist of fake living rooms and kitchens with replicas of furnishings and objects such as televisions and desks. The company may allow clients to bring their own possessions to destroy.

Sometimes rage rooms are in the great outdoors and people can pay to destroy cars and trucks in junk yards.

It’s believed that the first outdoor rage space to open was in Spain around 2003. Later, rage spaces moved indoors in Japan in approximately 2008 and became kno9wn as rage rooms.

The concept of rage rooms then spread to other countries on all continents. Today, there are hundreds (or thousands) of rage rooms and rage spaces in cities all over the world. Just Google “Rage Rooms” to find one in your area.


In January 2017, a study led by Michael Stevens on rage rooms showed that they are not effective in controlling anger, and in some cases, may actually make participants more angry.

In an article published in July 2019, Dr. John Huber a (clinical forensic psychologist) on rage rooms stated “Therapy is very beneficial all the way around. I think this is a stopgap. I think if you use it in conjunction with other forms of anger management therapy, this would be great”

Source: Wikipedia: Rage Room

Destructo-Therapy: How Does It Work?

“Patients” pay for the chance to choose from a variety of tools, which they then use to whack the crap out of objects gathered from junkyards and other sources.

Sessions can last from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the facility and the amount the patient is willing to pay. Some research has suggested that participants are approximately 40% female and 60% male.

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