Library of Videos for all Types of Stress coping Solutions

Well-produced stress management videos are an excellent way to learn about all the amazing stress management strategies and therapies that are available to help you conquer stress for life.

Some of the strategies are well known, such as music therapy or pet therapy, but others are not as well known, such as destructo-therapy and Bach Flower Remedies. Below is a list of more than a dozen excellent stress management strategies.

Stress Management Videos from this Site

2 Art Therapy for Stress Videos

  1. Interview with an Art Therapist.
  2. Art therapy in a hospital setting at the Mayo Clinic.


Anxiety Symptoms:

Video from Demystifying Medicine on YouTube about Generalized Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D.). The video includes a description and offers coping strategies.


Bach Flower Essence Remedies

Introductory video about flower essences with Flora Corona, a flower essence specialist.


Dance Movement Therapy

Video interview with Dance and Movement Therapist, Gina Serraino

Video from Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA

Video from the American Dance Movement Therapy Association


Destruction Therapy or “Destructotherapy”

Video from Spain about a company that offers destruction therapy retreats.


Diseases and Stress

Video about stress, free radicals, oxidative stress and chronic degenerative disease.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Introduction

Explanatory video from Gary Craig, founder of EFT.


Emotional Freedom Technique Procedure

Video from “Tap for Health,” an Australian company that teaches people how to use EFT effectively.


Family Stress

Video from”Be There” and counseling practice that specializes in helping families deal with stress.


Healthy Chocolate

Two stress management videos from MXI Corp. makers of Xocai Healthy Chocolate.


Horticultural Therapy

Video from”Healing Greens” and organization that helps war veterans who are dealing with PTSD.


Inspiration and Affirmation

6 stress management videos filled with inspirational quotes and positive affirmations.


Laugh Therapy

Video of a small baby who can’t stop laughing every time his daddy rips a piece of paper.


Laughter Therapy: 65 Way to De-Stress

Video interview with John Cleese as host of laughter clubs in India.


Music and Sound Therapy

Video from Utah Music Therapy Association sharing a montage of images and music.


Pets and Stress Relief

Video from, the main animal therapy group in the USA.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

3 videos about PTSD from, America’s Mental Health Channel


Primal Therapy

Video interview with Dr. Arthur Janov, the founder of the primal therapy movement.


Reflexology and Other Mapping Therapies

Video with introduction to reflexology from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare.


Science of Stress – National Geographic

Video from National Geographic Magazine about the stress hormones, Adrenaline and Cortisol.


Stress Management for Kids

Video from the Search Institute and the 40 Developmental Assets for Children and Youth.


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